SoMe storytelling generates leads

Grønbech assists DRYTECH with their marketing campaigns regarding dry basements in houses built prior to 1960. Drytechs innovative solution solves moist problems. By letting Drytechs current clients tell their story on the web and social media, Drytech reaches out and establishes contact with new and relevant potential clients.

Grønbech contacts clients with successful experiences with DRYMAT System. We develop stories aimed at the web and updates on social media. A good example is Niels Ole Frederiksen, Middelfart, whose basement became dry and warm, even though he initially thought the solution was too good to be true.

In less than four weeks the update on Niels Ole Frederiksens experiences reached more than 47.000 users on Facebook. It was shared 34 times and 46 comments were given. The post brought more than 4.000 new users to

Results: Drytech now has a steady and enduring flow of new relevant client-subjects. Because we effectively tell about satisfied customers, open house-events, participation in local estate expos and much more on social media, in newsletters and on the website.

After three months the SoMe-posts generated equal traffic on the website as Drytechs Google Adword-campaign. After six months SoMe generated four times as much traffic to the website.

Good Stories in PR

“At Agria Animal Insurance, we need a specialist communications agency, that understands how to convey information-heavy and nerdy data in

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