”After all, people had no way of knowing about our particularly outstanding qualities,” Maja Mittag Clausen says when telling us about her experiences with getting Kastrup Gulve’s good stories told online and on the social media.
”Our trade is a competitive one, and it is important to demonstrate that we rank among the absolute top-level businesses within our trade. Last week, a lawyer came by, claiming that his floor simply had to be laid by Kastrup Gulve. It is such customers we seek,” Maja Mittag Clausen explains.
We provide storytelling online and on social media for businesses such as Kastrup Gulve. And stories like this one are used as cases on the Kastrup Gulve website – such as for instance the story about a recently laid herringbone-patterned oak-parquet flooring for a flat in the Frederiksberg neighbourhood.
Storytelling boosts businesses in the right direction
Maja Mittag Clausen’s motivation for entering into a collaborative relation with Grønbech was to communicate the firm’s professional pride as well as the professionalism that Kastrup Gulve puts into their provision of herringbone-patterned parquet-flooring and how they use a particularly exclusive hardwood oil in the treatment of their floors. One of the targets of our collaboration what the communication of how and why Kastrup Gulve distinguishes itself from other flooring businesses.
As to the results obtained in relation to our little story about the herringbone parquet-flooring in the Frederiksberg neighbourhood, she says:
”It gave us a boost in the right direction. People are beginning to understand where we belong. It is no secret that we had an awful lot of inquiries in the wake of the Frederiksberg case. People tell us that they have read the article and seen the pictures, and it is on this background that they make an appointment for a meeting.”
Maja Mittag Clausen operates the family business, Kastrup Gulve, together with her husband, Morten Clausen. She is a Bachelor of International Trade and Marketing on top of which education she has built a supply-chain education. From the outset, she was very excited about the effect of working systematically with storytelling. She explains:
”We are the only ones who really know how to take care of the surface treatment of floors – seen from our own point of view. But no one, other than ourselves, knew that we are particularly outstanding. Now, Grønbech helps us to communicate what we stand for. But to begin with I was obviously very eager to find out whether it would also have an impact on our turnover.”
Online news spread the message
By just two postings, the online news about the Frederiksberg floors provided more than 5,000 hits on LinkedIn. Also, the story was further elevated through Kastrup Gulve’s membership of the Scandinavian trade publication agency, Nordiske Medier (Nordic Media), which ensured that the story also came to lead a life as editorial trade-journal content:
”This case has facilitated the provision of a more professional image within our community, for instance we were detected by the Danish luxury magazine, Liebhavermagasinet. But we have also contributed ourselves, exposing the case via Google advertisements, and thus it got all the attention it could possibly get,” she states.
Maja Mittag Clausen’s advice to other businesses is to get professional help to facilitate the telling of their good stories. She continues:
”Our particular customer segment really requires a professional approach to communication. We must send such signals as fit the way in which we desire to be perceived. Even though I knew that this was a good project, I was surprised to discover the strength of the signal we sent through our story of the Frederiksberg project. We did not become more professional overnight, but now we are not the only ones who know about our solid performance. Now, we share this knowledge with our collaborative partners as well as our customers.”