Bring your heart to work: Attract skilled employees and loyal customers

Many highly skilled, small and medium-sized specialized firms in the field of construction are overlooked by the most skilled employees and the best customers. The way out of invisibility can be to bring your heart to work – and work with some of the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals and “Employer Advocacy”.

We assume that with your company you want to make the world a better place for yourself, your customers and your employees. But how can you make this clear? There is inspiration to find for the company’s common values in the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals for developing a sustainable, peaceful and prosperous world.

Clear opinion and common values

Clear values attract the best employees of your company. Nobody expects you to work with all UN goals. The most important thing is to emphasize what difference you want to make with your team, and that task is to be solved by you. You are the leader of the company. You draw the lines and set your direction. The tool is your own storytelling. Create an essential tale about your company’s values and your cooperation.

In recent years, major companies have been working with “Employer Advocacy”. Now the turn has come to you and the leaders of all the small and medium-sized companies that make up the foundation for Danish business and working life. Here, there is often neither time nor focus on anything else but sales and production. But without dedicated employees and loyal customers, it’s uphill with your future sales. That is the case in a nutshell. Retention, communities and company values create a common future.

Your employees like to be challenged

Several major studies point out that new employees are looking for companies that are value-based and role models in their industry. Is your company like that? Employees in front of a job change are looking for companies that can offer meaningful jobs. In order to attract the most skilled in your industry, your culture, identity and CSR must be known and recognized.

For the young generations in the labor market, it’s not enough to have a job. They are looking for work / life balance and meaningful work that improves their own market value. They know that the world is changing rapidly and that they have their market value in their experience and qualifications.

Take the temperature on your company

How is your company? Is your history, culture and values known and recognized among customers and employees? Do you understand what it means for the employee’s performance and for the products, projects and services you deliver to your customers?

With storytelling you can brand your company internally / externally. Tell about the projects you are conducting. The results you achieve. The company’s strategy and prospects, challenges along the way, the culture at work, and the added value you create.

Let the employees tell the story

We have used the smart phrase “Employer Advocacy” a couple of times. It means in other words that your company as a workplace becomes visible on social media, that you will be able to attract employees among a smaller young population and that your employees will become good ambassadors for the company.

Does it sound new? Well, some will call it common sense. Because you must talk to the heart and not just the minds of both your employees and your customers. Your employees will feel pride and a bigger responsibility and deliver an extra effort. Your customers will be stronger in their belief that you are the right business partner.

It’s basically about using your own web, LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube to market the company. And get the employees to pass on the messages on social media by “liking”, sharing, and commenting on your stories. You can also go further and quote the employees in your online news and use news about the employees, their daily lives, their contributions to projects, their appointments, etc. online.

In this way, your marketing of the company becomes more authentic, trustworthy and efficient. The stories must be found and brought to life. That is how your company becomes more visible and attracts skilled employees and the best customers. They all want to be part of a successful story. Go and get started.

Good Stories in PR

“At Agria Animal Insurance, we need a specialist communications agency, that understands how to convey information-heavy and nerdy data in

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